{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% block title %}Editor Review Copyedit{% endblock %} {% block title-section %}Review Copyedit Assignment #{{ copyedit.id }} by {{ copyedit.copyeditor.full_name }}{% endblock %} {% block title-sub %}#{{ article.pk }} / {{ article.correspondence_author.last_name }} / {{ article.safe_title }}{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {{ block.super }} {% include "elements/breadcrumbs/copyediting_base.html" %}
  • Review Copyediting
  • {% endblock breadcrumbs %} {% block body %}

    Article Files

    Files you sent the copyeditor to complete their task.

    {% for file in copyedit.files_for_copyediting.all %} {% endfor %}
    Label Filename Download
    {{ file.label }} {{ file.original_filename }}  

    Copy-edited Files

    Files the copyeditor has uploaded.

    {% for file in copyedit.copyeditor_files.all %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
    Label Filename Download
    {{ file.label }} {{ file.original_filename }}  
    There are no copy-edited files. Upload one.

    Note from the Copyeditor

    {{ copyedit.copyeditor_note|safe }}
    {% if copyedit.author_reviews %}

    Author Reviews

    {% for review in copyedit.author_reviews %} {% if request.user.is_admin %}{% endif %} {% if request.user.is_admin %}{% endif %}
    Requested Notified Decision Decision Date
    {{ review.assigned|date:"Y-m-d" }} {% if not review.notified %} Send Notification{% endif %} {% if review.decision %} {{ review.get_decision_display }} {% else %}Awaiting response{% endif %} {% if review.date_decided %} {{ review.date_decided|date:"Y-m-d" }} {% else %} --{% endif %} {% if review.decision %} Cannot delete a completed author review. {% else %} Delete Author Review {% endif %}  Edit in Admin
    {% for file in copyedit.copyeditor_files.all %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
    Label Filename Download Replaced
    {{ file.label }} {{ file.original_filename }}   {% if file in review.files_updated.all %}Author Version{% else %}Copyeditor Version{% endif %}
    There are no copy-edited files. Upload one.

    Covering Letter from Author

    {{ review.author_note|safe }} {% if not forloop.last %}
    {% endif %} {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}


    {% if copyedit.actions_available %} {% else %}
    Actions are not currently available because {% if not copyedit.copyeditor_completed %}the initial copyedit is still underway.{% elif copyedit.copyedit_accepted %} this copyedit assignmenthas been accepted. {% elif copyedit.copyedit_reopened and not copyedit.copyedit_reopened_complete %}the copyedithas been reopened has not been completed.{% elif copyedit.incomplete_author_reviews %}there are incomplete author reviews.{% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    Accepting this copyedit will allow you to move this article into the next stage of production. Requesting author review will allow for another round of copyediting with feedback from the author. Reopening this task will send it back to the copyeditor, asking them to undertake further edits (this should be used if an Author Review turns up "Corrections Required").


    {% if copyedit.decision or copyedit.copyedit_reopened %} {% for item in copyedit.copyedit_log %} {% if item.date %} {{ item.date }} {{ item.event }}
    {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} Awaiting response {% endif %}

     Accept Copyedit

    You can write a note to the copyeditor thanking them for their time.

    {% csrf_token %}

     Reopen Copyedit

    If you wish to reopen the copyedit task without an author review, you can do so by adding a note below, which will be sent to the copyeditor.

    {% csrf_token %}
    {% if author_review_form.modal %} {% include "admin/elements/confirm_modal.html" with modal=author_review_form.modal form_id="copyediting_author_review_assignment" %} {% endif %} {% endblock body %} {% block js %} {% if author_review_form.modal %} {% include "admin/elements/open_modal.html" with target=author_review_form.modal.id %} {% endif %} {% include "elements/jqte.html" %} {% endblock js %}