{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load foundation %} {% block title %}{{ object.title }} Discussions{% endblock %} {% block title-section %}{{ object_type|capfirst }} {{ object.title }} Discussions{% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% for thread in threads %} {% include "admin/discussion/thread.html" %} {% endfor %}
{% if active_thread %}

{{ active_thread.subject }}

Started on {{ active_thread.started|date:"Y-m-d H:i" }} (newest at top)

{% csrf_token %}
{% for post in active_thread.posts.all %} {% include "admin/discussion/post.html" %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}

Select a thread to display posts.

{% endif %}

 Add New Thread

{% include "admin/elements/forms/errors.html" %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ form|foundation }}
{% endblock body %} {% block js %} {% if modal %} {% include "admin/elements/open_modal.html" with target=modal %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}