{{ article.pk }} - {{ article.safe_title }}
{% if type == "unassigned" %}

New article, awaiting Editor assignment.

{% elif type == "assigned" %}

Review in progress.

{% elif type == "copyedit" %}

Copyedit in process.

{% elif type == "production_unassigned" %}

Awaiting assignment of Production Manager

{% elif type == "production_assigned" %}

Production in process.

{% elif type == 'proof_unassigned' %}

Awaiting assignment of Proofing Manager

{% elif type == 'proof_assigned' %}

Proofing in process.

{% elif type == 'prepublication' %}

Awaiting completion of pre-pub checklist.

{% endif %}

Primary Author: {{ article.correspondence_author.full_name }}

{% if type == "unassigned" %} Assign Editor {% elif type == 'assigned' %} View Review Detail {% elif type == "copyedit" %} View Copyediting Detail {% elif type == 'production' and not article in production_assigned %} Assign Production Manager {% elif type == 'production' and article in production_assigned %} View Production Detail {% elif type == 'proof' and not article in proofing_assigned %} Assign Proofing Manager {% elif type == 'proof' and article in proofing_assigned %} View Proofing Detail {% elif type == 'prepublication' %} Pre-publication {% endif %}
{% include "elements/avatar.html" with user=article.correspondence_author role="Author" %} {% for assignment in article.editors %} {% include "elements/avatar.html" with user=assignment.editor role=assignment.editor_type %} {% endfor %} {% if type == "copyedit" %} {% for copyedit in article.copyeditassignment_set.all %} {% include "elements/avatar.html" with user=copyedit.copyeditor role="Copyeditor" %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if article.production_assignment_or_none and article.productionassignment.production_manager %} {% include "elements/avatar.html" with user=article.productionassignment.production_manager role="PM" %} {% endif %} {% if type == "production_assigned" and article.production_assignment_or_none %} {% for typeset in article.productionassignment.typesettask_set.all %} {% include "elements/avatar.html" with user=typeset.typesetter role="Typesetter" %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}