General Article Display

{% trans 'A set of controls for how things display on the article page' %}.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.disable_article_thumbnails %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.disable_article_large_image %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.display_guest_editors %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.suppress_how_to_cite %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.hide_author_email_links %}

Download/View Links

{% trans "Settings to control the display of view and download links on article pages" %}.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=attr_form.view_pdf_button %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=attr_form.disable_html_downloads %}

Metrics Display

{% trans "If you don't want to display metrics you can disable them all, or you can disable the display of citation metrics below" %}.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=attr_form.disable_metrics_display %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.suppress_citations_metric %}