General Journal Settings

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.journal_name %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.journal_description %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.journal_issn %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.print_issn %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.journal_theme %} {% if edit_form.journal_base_theme %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.journal_base_theme %} {% endif %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.publisher_name %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.publisher_url %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.main_contact %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.contact_info %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.privacy_policy_url %}


You can add keywords to your journal which are displayed as Disciplines.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=attr_form.keywords %}


{% trans 'You can set the from address your journal will use to send emails and the base signature that will be included.' %}

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.from_address %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.auto_signature %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.replyto_address%}

Remote Journals

{% trans 'Where you have a journal in your press that is not hosted on Janeway you can link directly to the journal and submit pages.' %}

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=attr_form.is_remote %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=attr_form.remote_view_url %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=attr_form.remote_submit_url %}

{% trans 'Slack/Discord Integration' %}

{% trans 'You can integrate Janeway into Slack (and Discord as they support the same endpoints) by setting it up below.' %}

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.slack_logging %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.slack_webhook %}

{% trans 'Support' %}

{% trans 'How should editors and staff members get help with Janeway?' %}

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.support_email %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.support_contact_message_for_staff %}


You can enable the Switch Language field from here which will enable internationalisation. By default all of the languages available at the press level will be present. You can enable a custom sub set of them on the language selection interface.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.switch_language %}

If you don't want to display language flags - you can

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.enable_language_text %}

You can include a google analytics code here if you want to track user visits.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.google_analytics_code %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.use_ga_four %}

You can use this setting to stop this journal being list on the Press' journals page.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=attr_form.hide_from_press %}

If you want to display a special message on the login page you can add it here.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.display_login_page_notice %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.login_page_notice %}

If you want to display a special message on the registration page you can add it here.

{% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.display_register_page_notice %} {% include "admin/elements/forms/field.html" with field=edit_form.register_page_notice %}