{% load settings %} {% load roles %} {% load static %} {% load bool_fa %} {% user_has_role request 'editor' as user_is_editor %} {% user_has_role request 'section-editor' as user_is_section_editor %} {% user_has_role request 'production' as user_is_production %} {% if user_is_editor or user_is_production or user_is_section_editor %}  Edit Metadata {% endif %}

{{ article.safe_title }}

{% if article.correspondence_author %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if journal_settings.general.submission_summary %} {% endif %} {% if request.journal.submissionconfiguration.competing_interests %} {% endif %} {% for field_answer in article.fieldanswer_set.all %} {% endfor %}
Section Correspondence Author Licence Language
{{ article.section.name }}{{ article.correspondence_author.full_name }}    This article has no correspondence_author{{ article.license.short_name }} {{ article.get_language_display }}
Started Submitted
{{ article.date_started }} {{ article.date_submitted }}
{{ article.abstract|safe }}
{% for keyword in article.keywords.all %}{{ keyword }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% empty %}No keywords recorded{% endfor %}
Non Specialist Summary
{% if article.competing_interests %}{{ article.non_specialist_summary|safe }} {% else %} No Summary Supplied {% endif %}
Comments to Editor
{% if article.comments_editor %}{{ article.comments_editor|linebreaksbr }}{% else %}No comments{% endif %}
Competing Interests
{% if article.competing_interests %}{{ article.competing_interests|safe }}{% else %}No CI{% endif %}
Peer Reviewed?
This article has {{ article.completed_reviews_with_decision.count }} completed reviews.
{% if article.peer_reviewed %} This article has been marked as peer reviewed. {% elif not article.is_accepted and article.completed_reviews_with_decision %} If this article is accepted, it will be marked as peer reviewed. {% else %} This article has not been marked as peer reviewed. {% endif %}
First Page Last Page Page Numbers Total Pages
{{ article.first_page }} {{ article.last_page }} {{ article.page_numbers }} {{ article.total_pages }}
{{ article.rights|safe }}
{{ field_answer.field.name }}
{{ field_answer.answer|safe }}


{% for funder in article.funders.all %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
Name FundRef ID Grant Number
{{ funder.name|default_if_none:"" }} {{ funder.fundref_id|default_if_none:"" }} {{ funder.funding_id|default_if_none:"" }}
No funders added.
{% if article.frozenauthor_set.all %}

Frozen Authors

These records are those of the article authors frozen at the point of submission.

{% for f_author in article.frozenauthor_set.all %} {% endfor %}
Name Email Display Email Link? Primary?
{{ f_author.full_name }} {% if f_author.author.email %}{{ f_author.author.email }}     {% elif f_author.email %}{{ f_author.email}}{% else %}No email address recorded.{% endif %} {{ f_author.display_email|bool_fa }} {% if f_author.author == article.correspondence_author %} {% else %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}


{% for assignment in article.editors %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
Name Email Type
{{ assignment.editor.full_name }} {{ assignment.editor.email }} {{ assignment.editor_type|capfirst }}
No users assigned

Projected Issue

{% if article.projected_issue %} {% else %} {% endif %}
ID Title Volume Number Published
{{ article.projected_issue.id }} {{ article.projected_issue.issue_title }} {{ article.projected_issue.volume }} {{ article.projected_issue.issue }} {{ article.projected_issue.date }} Projected Issue Assignment
This article does not have a projected issue.{% if user_is_editor or request.user.is_staff %} You can assign one.{% endif %}

Issues and Collections

{% if user_is_editor %} {% endif %} {% for issue in article.issues_list %} {% if user_is_editor %} {% endif %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
ID Title Volume Number Published Primary
{{ article.issue.id }} {{ article.issue.issue_title }} {{ article.issue.volume }} {{ article.issue.issue }} {{ article.issue.date }} {% if issue == article.primary_issue %} {% endif %} Issue Manager

This article is not yet assigned to any issues or collections.

{% if user_is_editor %}

You can assign one now using the issue manager, or wait and assign one during the pre-publication checklist.

{% endif %}


{% if user_is_editor %} Manage Identifiers{% endif %}
{% setting_var request.journal 'use_crossref' as use_crossref %}
{% if use_crossref %} {% with article.get_doi as doi %} {% if doi %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endif %}
ID Type Identifier Status
ID {{ article.pk }} Assigned
DOI {{ doi }} {% for identifier in article.identifiers %} {% if identifier.identifier == doi %} {% if identifier.deposit %} {% if user_is_editor %}{% endif %} {% if identifier.deposit.success %}   {% else %}   {% endif %} {% if user_is_editor %}{% endif %} {% else %}   This DOI has not been deposited. {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} DOI Article has no DOI {% if user_is_editor %}Add DOI{% else %}---{% endif %}
{% if files %}


{% for file in article.manuscript_files.all %} {% endfor %} {% for file in article.data_figure_files.all %} {% endfor %}
Label Filename Type Uploaded Download
{{ file.label }} {{ file.original_filename }} Manuscript {{ file.date_uploaded|date:"Y-m-d G:i" }}  
{{ file.label }} {{ file.original_filename }} Data/Figure {{ file.date_uploaded|date:"Y-m-d G:i" }}  
{% endif %}