{% load securitytags %} {% load files %} {% load foundation %}

 Add New Proofreader

{% csrf_token %}

The proofreader pool is made up of:

  • Authors of this article
  • Editors of the Journal
  • Users with the Proofreader role

Users will be provided with a selection of Galleys and asked to provide feedback on them. The editor can then either make changes to the Galleys themselves or request a Typesetter make changes.

{% include "elements/forms/errors.html" %}

Select the Galleys for this proofing task.

{% for galley in article.galley_set.all %} {% can_view_file galley.file as can_view_file_flag %} {% can_view_file_history galley.file article as can_view_file_history_flag %} {% endfor %}
ID Label Filename Type Download History
{{ galley.pk }} {{ galley.label }} {{ galley.file.original_filename|truncatechars:40 }} Galley {% if can_view_file_flag %}  {% endif %} {% if can_view_file_history_flag %}  {% endif %}
Enrol Users

Select the proofreader for this proofing task.

{% for proofreader in proofreaders %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
Select First Name Last Name Role
{{ proofreader.user.first_name }} {{ proofreader.user.last_name }} {{ proofreader.role|capfirst }}
No suitable proofreaders.
{{ form.task|foundation }} {{ form.due|foundation }}