{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load securitytags %} {% load files %} {% block title %}Article Document Management{% endblock title %} {% block title-section %}Article Document Management{% endblock %} {% block title-sub %}#{{ article.pk }} / {{ article.correspondence_author.last_name }} / {{ article.safe_title }}{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% csrf_token %}
Article #{{ article.pk }} {{ article.safe_title }} Files
{% if request.user.is_admin %} {% endif %} {% for file in files %} {% can_edit_file file article as can_edit_file_flag %} {% can_view_file file as can_view_file_flag %} {% can_view_file_history file article as can_view_file_history_flag %} {% if request.user.is_admin %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
ID Label Uploaded Modified Filename Download History Replace Delete TypeAdmin
{{ file.pk }} {% if not file.label %}No Label{% endif %}{{ file.label }} {{ file.date_uploaded|date:"Y-m-d G:i" }} {{ file.last_modified|date:"Y-m-d G:i" }} {{ file }} {% if can_view_file_flag %}  {% endif %} {% if can_view_file_history_flag %}  {% endif %} {% if can_edit_file_flag %}  {% endif %} {% if can_edit_file_flag %}  {% endif %} {% file_type article file %}  Edit

If required, you can upload new files to various sections of the workflow.

 Upload File
{% csrf_token %}  Return

 Upload File

Add a label and then upload a file. You can only upload one file type at a

{% if error %} {% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}

New Manuscript File

MS files are used in review and copyediting.

Figure/Data File

Figure files are images from manuscripts. Data files are any other file not an image or Manuscript that relate to the paper.


Upload a new file for use in Production/Typesetting.


Upload a new file for use in Proofing.

{% endblock body %} {% block js %} {% include "admin/elements/datatables.html" with target="#files" %} {% endblock js %}