{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load securitytags %} {% load files %} {% block title %}File History and Metadata{% endblock title %} {% block title-section %}File History and Metadata{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% csrf_token %}
UUID Filename {{ file.uuid_filename }}
Original Filename {{ file.original_filename }}
File Size {% file_size file article %}
Owner {{ file.owner.full_name }}
Privacy {{ file.get_privacy_display }}
{% if request.user.is_admin %}{% endif %} {% can_edit_file file article as can_edit_file_flag %} {% can_view_file file as can_view_file_flag %} {% for file_history in file.history.all %} {% can_view_file_history file_history article as can_view_historic_file_flag %} {% if request.user.is_admin %}{% endif %} {% empty %} {% endfor %} {% if request.user.is_admin %}{% endif %}
ID Label Filename Download Replace Delete Re-instate Admin
{{ file_history.pk }} {{ file_history.label }} ({{ file_history.history_seq }}) {{ file_history.original_filename }} {% if can_view_historic_file_flag %}  {% endif %} {% if can_edit_file_flag %}  {% endif %}
No older versions of this file
{{ file.pk }} {{ file.label }} {{ file }} {% if can_view_file_flag %}  {% endif %} {% if can_edit_file_flag %} {% endif %} {% if can_edit_file_flag %}  {% endif %} Current
{% csrf_token %}
{% endblock body %}