{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %}} {% load securitytags %} {% load files %} {% load static %} {% load foundation %} {% block title %}Issue Management{% endblock title %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {{ block.super }} {% include "elements/breadcrumbs/issue_management.html" %} {% endblock breadcrumbs %} {% block body %}

Issue Management

{% if not issue %}  Create Issue  Edit Display Settings {% else %} View Issue {% endif %}
{% csrf_token %} {% if not issue %}

You can drag and drop Issues into the desired order or use the order by buttons below. Ordering Issues from this interface changes the public display order of Issues, changes will take effect immediately.

{% endif %}
{% for i in issues %} {% endfor %}
ID Title Type Volume Number Date No. Articles
{{ i.pk }}  {{ i.issue_title }} {{ i.issue_type }} {{ i.volume }} {{ i.issue }} {{ i.date|date:"Y-m-d" }} {{ i.articles.all|length }} {% if issue %}  Edit Details {% endif %} {% if not issue %} View{% endif %}  Delete {% if request.journal.current_issue != i and i.is_published %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% elif not i.is_published %} {% trans 'Issue date is in the future.' %} {% elif request.journal.current_issue == i %} {% trans 'Issue is already set as the current issue.' %} {% endif %}
{% if issue %} {% include "admin/elements/issue/sort_toc.html" %} {% endif %}
{% if issue %} {% include "admin/elements/issue/table_of_contents.html" with issue=issue %} {% include "admin/elements/issue/guest_editors.html" with issue=issue %} {% include "admin/elements/issue/galleys.html" with issue=issue galleys=galleys %} {% endif %} {% include "admin/elements/issue/issue_modal.html" %} {% include "admin/elements/issue/delete_modal.html" %} {% endblock body %} {% block js %} {% if modal %} {% include "admin/elements/open_modal.html" with target=modal %} {% endif %} {% endblock js %}