{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %}} {% load securitytags %} {% load files %} {% load static %} {% load foundation %} {% block title %}Pre Publication - {{ article.pk }}{% endblock title %} {% block title-section %}Pre Publication Checklist{% endblock %} {% block title-sub %}#{{ article.pk }} / {{ article.correspondence_author.last_name }} / {{ article.safe_title }}{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {{ block.super }}
  • Pre Publication
  • Checklist
  • {% endblock breadcrumbs %} {% block body %}

    Confirm Metadata is Correct

    You should confirm that the Metadata supplied is correct before publishing, and edit if there are any changes required.

    View Metadata

    Select an Issue

    Only select an issue if you are doing issue based publishing.

    Set Issue

    Verify DOI

    You should verify the article has a DOI set and that it is resolving correctly to the article's stub page created upon acceptance.

    View DOI Data
    {% if journal_settings.general.open_peer_review %}

    Select open peer reviews to display

    Where we have permission, this journal will display peer reviews alongside the article. Please select from those reviews for which we have consent.

    Select reviews to display
    {% endif %}

    Select a Galley for Rendering

    If you have HTML or XML galleys, you can select which one will render by default.

    Select Galley

    Set a Publication Date

    Select a date for the Article to be published. Selecting today's date will make it available immediately. A date for publication must be set for the piece to publish.

    Set Publication Date

    Select Article Image

    Select an image that will appear in the article orbit, featured articles and the header of the article page.

    Select Image

    Notify the Author of Publication

    You can notify the Author(s) of publication so they can publicise their work. NB. This requires that the publication date is already set.

    {% if article.date_published %} Notify Author {% else %} {% endif %}
    {% for item in article.prepublicationchecklistitem_set.all %}

    {{ item.title }}

    {{ item.text|safe }}

    Notify Author
    {% endfor %}

    Confirm Article Set for Publication

    {% if not article.stage == 'Published' %}

    Finally, confirm that you are ready for this article to be set for publication.

    {% csrf_token %}
    {% else %}

    This article is already marked as published. It will be available on {{ article.date_published|date:"Y-m-d @ H:i" }}

    {% endif %}


      {% if journal_settings.general.abstract_required and not article.abstract %}
    • This journal requires article to have an abstract - this article does not have one [change]
    • {% endif %}
    • This article has been marked as {% if not article.peer_reviewed %}not {% endif %}peer reviewed [change] {% if not article.get_doi %}
    • No DOI has been asigned [change]
    • {% endif %} {% if not article.keywords.count > 0 %}
    • No keywords have been set [change]
    • {% endif %} {% if not article.issues_list.count > 0 %}
    • This article has not been assigned to an Issue yet{% if article.projected_issue %} It was projected to be in {{ article.projected_issue }}{% endif %} [change]
    • {% endif %}
    {% include "admin/elements/summary_modal.html" %} {% include "elements/publish/doi_data.html" %} {% include "elements/publish/issues.html" %} {% include "elements/publish/pubdate.html" with pub_date_form=pub_date_form %} {% include "elements/publish/author.html" %} {% include "elements/publish/galley.html" %} {% include "elements/publish/images.html" %} {% include "elements/publish/open_reviews.html" %} {% endblock body %} {% block js %} {% include "elements/notes/note_script.html" %} {% if modal %} {% include "admin/elements/open_modal.html" with target=modal %} {% endif %} {% endblock js %}