Finally, confirm that you are ready for this article to be set for publication.
{% else %}This article is already marked as published. It will be available on {{ article.date_published|date:"Y-m-d @ H:i" }}
{% endif %}Warnings
{% if journal_settings.general.abstract_required and not article.abstract %}
- This journal requires article to have an abstract - this article does not have one [change] {% endif %}
- This article has been marked as {% if not article.peer_reviewed %}not {% endif %}peer reviewed [change] {% if not article.get_doi %}
- No DOI has been asigned [change] {% endif %} {% if not article.keywords.count > 0 %}
- No keywords have been set [change] {% endif %} {% if not article.issues_list.count > 0 %}
- This article has not been assigned to an Issue yet{% if article.projected_issue %} It was projected to be in {{ article.projected_issue }}{% endif %} [change] {% endif %}