{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% block title %}Preprints Dashboard{% endblock %} {% block title-section %}Preprints Dashboard{% endblock %} {% block title-sub %}Listed below are the preprints for which you are registered as the submitting author.{% endblock %} {% load files %} {% block breadcrumbs %}
  • Preprints Dashboard
  • {% endblock %} {% block body %}

    Submitted Preprints

    {% for preprint in preprints %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
    ID Title Date Submitted Decision Date Published Views Downloads Comments
    {{ preprint.pk }} {{ preprint.title|safe }} {{ preprint.date_submitted }} {% if preprint.date_accepted %}Accepted{% elif preprint.date_declined %}Declined{% else %}Under Consideration{% endif %} {% if preprint.date_published %}{{ preprint.date_published }}{% else %}N/a{% endif %} {{ preprint.metrics.views }} {{ preprint.metrics.downloads }} {{ preprint.comment_set.all|length }}

    Incomplete Submissions

    {% for preprint in incomplete_preprints %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
    ID Title Date Submitted Date Published Views Downloads
    {{ preprint.pk }} {{ preprint.title|safe }} {{ preprint.date_submitted }} {% if preprint.date_published %}{{ preprint.date_published }}{% else %}N/a{% endif %} {{ preprint.metrics.views }} {{ preprint.metrics.downloads }} Complete this Submission
    {% endblock %}