{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load static %} {% block title %}{{ preprint.title|striptags }} - Manager{% endblock %} {% block title-section %}{{ request.repository.object_name }} Manager{% endblock %} {% block title-sub %}{{ request.repository.object_name }} #{{ preprint.pk }} - {{ preprint.title|safe }}{% endblock %} {% load files %} {% block breadcrumbs %}
  • Press Manager
  • {{ request.repository.object_name }} Manager
  • {{ preprint.title|safe }}
  • {% endblock %} {% block body %}


    {% if preprint.is_published %} View Live Article {% endif %}
    {% for field_answer in preprint.additional_field_answers %} {% endfor %}
    {{ preprint.title }}
    Owner Licence
    {{ preprint.owner.full_name }} {{ preprint.license.short_name }}
    Preprint DOI Published DOI
    {% if preprint.preprint_doi %} {{ preprint.preprint_doi }}{% else %}pending{% endif %} {% if preprint.doi %} {{ preprint.doi }}{% else %}No Published DOI{% endif %}
    {% include "common/repository/subject_display.html" %}
    Started Submitted
    {{ preprint.date_started }} {{ preprint.date_submitted }}
    {{ preprint.abstract|safe }}
    Comments to Editor
    {% if preprint.comments_editor %}{{ preprint.comments_editor }}{% else %}No comments{% endif %}
    {{ field_answer.field.name }}
    {{ field_answer.answer }}


    {% if preprint.date_accepted %} This {{ request.repository.object_name }} was accepted on {{ preprint.date_accepted }} {% elif preprint.date_declined %} This {{ request.repository.object_name }} was rejected on {{ preprint.date_declined }} {% else %} This {{ request.repository.object_name }} is currently awaiting review. {% endif %} {% if not preprint.has_version and not preprint.date_declined %} This {{ request.repository.object_name }} requires at least one version. You can either turn an existing file into a version in the table below, or upload a new file to be a version. {% endif %} {% if preprint.date_published %}
    This {{ request.repository.object_name }} was published on {{ preprint.date_published }} {% endif %}
    Primary identifier for this article {% if not preprint.identifier %}[ID] {{ preprint.pk }}{% endif %}


    Add Author
    {% csrf_token %} {% for author in preprint.preprintauthor_set.all %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
    {% trans 'Name' %} {% trans 'Email' %} {% trans 'Affiliation' %} {% trans 'Edit' %} {% trans 'Delete' %}
    {{ author.account.full_name }} {{ author.account.email }} {% if author.affiliation %}{{ author.affiliation }}{% else %} {{ author.account.institution }}{% endif %} Edit
    {% trans 'No authors added.' %}


    {% for version in preprint.preprintversion_set.all %} {% endfor %}
    Version Type Date Filename Uploaded Download Delete
    {{ version.version }} {{ version.get_update_type_display }} {{ version.date_time }} {{ version.file.original_filename|truncatechars:40 }} {{ version.file.uploaded|date:"Y-m-d G:i" }}
    {% csrf_token %}

    Pending Updates

    {% for update in pending_updates %} {% if update.file %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
    Version Type Date Filename Uploaded Download Manage
    Update ID: {{ update.pk }} {{ update.get_update_type_display }} (Pending) {{ update.date_submitted }}{{ update.file.original_filename }} {{ update.file.uploaded }} n/a n/a n/a Manage
    {% csrf_token %} {% for file in preprint.preprintfile_set.all %} {% endfor %}
    Filename Type Size Uploaded Download Delete
    {{ file.original_filename }} {{ file.mime_type }} {{ file.size|filesizeformat }} {{ file.uploaded|date:"Y-m-d G:i" }}  

    Supplementary Files

    Manage Supplementary Files
      {% for link in preprint.supplementaryfiles %}
    • {{ link.label }}
    • {% empty %}
    • No Supplementary File
    • {% endfor %}
    {% include "admin/elements/repository/new_file.html" %} {% include "admin/elements/repository/accept_preprint.html" %} {% include "admin/elements/repository/decline_preprint.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block js %} {% if modal %} {% include "admin/elements/open_modal.html" with target=modal %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}