{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load foundation %} {% load bool_fa %} {% load admin_urls %} {% block title %}Invited Review #{{ review.pk }}{% endblock %} {% block title-section %}Invited Review #{{ review.pk }}{% endblock %} {% block title-sub %}Details and controls for Invited Review #{{ review.pk }}{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %}
  • Press Manager
  • {{ request.repository.object_name_plural }} Manager
  • {{ preprint.title|safe }}
  • Invited Review Comments
  • Review #{{ review.pk }}
  • {% endblock %} {% block body %}


    Edit in Admin
    {% if review.status == 'declined' or review.status == 'withdrawn' %} {% endif %}
    ID Reviewer Manager Status
    {{ review.pk }} {{ review.reviewer.full_name }}{% if request.user.is_admin %} {% endif %} {{ review.manager.full_name }}{% if request.user.is_admin %} {% endif %} {{ review.get_status_display }}
    Date Assigned Date Due Date Accepted Date Completed
    {{ review.date_assigned|date:"Y-m-d" }} {{ review.date_due|date:"Y-m-d" }} {{ review.date_accepted|date:"Y-m-d" }}{% if not review.date_accepted %} --{% endif %} {{ review.date_completed|date:"Y-m-d" }}{% if not review.date_completed %} --{% endif %}
    Status Reason
    {{ review.status_reason|safe }}
    {% if not review.status == 'complete' %}

    Edit Due Date

    A notification will be sent to the reviewer noting the new due date once it is changed.

    {% csrf_token %} {{ form|foundation }}
    {% endif %} {% if review.status == 'complete' and review.comment %}



    {{ review.recommendation.name|default:"No recommendation" }}


    {{ review.comment.body|safe }}


    {% if review.anonymous %}Reviewer wishes to remain anonymous{% else %} Reviewer would like their name attached to the review{% endif %}

    {% endif %}


    {% csrf_token %}

    Potential Statuses:

    • New - totally new assignment, has not been accepted, declined, withdrawn or completed.
    • Accepted - the invited reviewer has agreed to write a comment but has not yet added it.
    • Declined - the invited reviewer has declined to write a comment.
    • Complete - the invited reviewer has written and submitted their comment.
    • Withdrawn - the invited review has been withdrawn by Repository staff.

     Withdraw Invite

    Please add a note detailing the reason for withdrawing this invite. It will be sent to the reviewer.

    {% csrf_token %}
    {% endblock %}