{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load foundation %} {% load bool_fa %} {% block title %}Preprint Subjects{% endblock %} {% block title-section %}Preprint Subjects{% endblock %} {% block title-sub %}Management interface for {{ request.press.name }} preprint subjects{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %}
  • Press Manager
  • Preprint Manager
  • Subjects
  • {% endblock %} {% block body %}


    {% for subject in top_level_subjects %} {% include 'admin/elements/repository/table_row.html' with subjects=subject.children.all %}
    Name Enabled Delete Add Child
    {{ subject.name|safe }} {{ subject.enabled|bool_fa }}
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% endfor %}


    {% if subject %}  Back{% endif %}
    {% csrf_token %} {% include "elements/forms/errors.html" with form=form %} {{ form.name|foundation }} {{ form.parent|foundation }} {{ form.enabled|foundation }}
    {% for user in active_users %} {% endfor %}
    Select Name Email
    {{ user.full_name }} {{ user.email }}
    {% endblock %} {% block js %} {% include "admin/elements/post_check.html" %} {% include "admin/elements/datatables.html" with target="#editors" page_length=10 sort=1 order="asc" %} {% endblock %}