{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% load foundation %} {% load field %} {% block title-section %} {% trans 'Upload Files for' %} {{ preprint.title }} {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %}
  • {{ request.repository.name }} Dashboard
  • Start Submission
  • Add Authors
  • Upload Files
  • {% endblock %} {% block body %}


    {% trans 'You can use the form below to select and upload your manuscript file.' %} Review submission requirements.

    {% if request.repository.limit_upload_to_pdf %}

    {{ request.repository.name }} {{ request.repository.require_pdf_help }}

    {% endif %} {% if request.repository.file_upload_help %} {{ request.repository.file_upload_help|safe }} {% endif %}
    {% include "elements/forms/errors.html" with form=form %}
    {% csrf_token %} {{ form.file }}

    {% trans 'Supplementary files' %}

    {% trans 'Optional links to externaly hosted supplementary files.' %}

    {% trans 'Add New Supplementary File' %}

    Uploaded File

    {% if preprint.submission_file %}

    {% trans 'If you want to change this file you can upload a new one and it will be overwritten.' %}

    {% endif %} {% if preprint.submission_file %} {% else %} {% endif %}
    Original Filename Size
    {{ preprint.submission_file.original_filename }} {{ preprint.submission_file.file.size|filesizeformat }}
    No file uploaded.

    Supplementary File

      {% for link in preprint.supplementaryfiles %}
    • {{ link.label }}
    • {% empty %}
    • No Supplementary File
    • {% endfor %}
    {% csrf_token %}

     {% trans 'Add New Supplementary File' %}

    {% include "admin/elements/forms/errors.html" %}
    {% csrf_token %} {{ supplementary|foundation }}

    {% trans "Submission Information" %}

    {{ request.repository.start|safe }}
    {% endblock %} {% block js %} {% endblock %}