{% extends "admin/core/base.html" %} {% load securitytags %} {% block title %}Articles in Review{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {{ block.super }} {% include "elements/breadcrumbs/review_base.html" %} {% endblock breadcrumbs %} {% block body %} {% is_editor as editor %}

Articles in Review

{% if editor and filter == 'me' %} All Submissions {% elif editor %} My Assignments {% endif %} Review Status Key
{% if journal_settings.general.enable_expanded_review_details %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% for article in articles %} {% if journal_settings.general.enable_expanded_review_details %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
ID Title Submitted Main Author Editors Section Projected IssueReview StatusNo. Complete Reviews
{{ article.pk }} {{ article.safe_title }} {{ article.date_submitted }} {{ article.correspondence_author.full_name }} {% for editor in article.editors %}{{ editor.editor.full_name }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {{ article.section.name }} {% if article.projected_issue %}{{ article.projected_issue.display_title }}{% else %} None{% endif %} {% if article.reviewassignment_set.exists %} {% for review in article.reviews_not_withdrawn %} {% endfor %} {% if article.number_of_withdrawn_reviews > 0 %} {% endif %} {% for revision in article.revisionrequest_set.all %} {% endfor %}
{{ review.review_round.round_number }} {{ review.reviewer.initials }} {% if review.status.code == 'complete' %} {% endif %} {{ review.status.display|safe }} {% if review.status.code == 'complete' %} {% endif %} {{ review.status.date }} {% if review.status.reminder %} {% endif %} Due {{ review.date_due|date:"d-M" }}{% if review.status.reminder %} {% endif %}
{{ article.number_of_withdrawn_reviews }} review request(s) withdrawn.
{% if revision.date_completed %} Completed Revision Request {% else %} Revision Request {% endif %} {% if revision.date_completed %} {{ revision.date_completed|date:"d-M" }} {% else %} Due {{ revision.date_due|date:"d-M" }} {% endif %}
{% else %} No Review assignments {% endif %}
{{ article.completed_reviews|length }} Complete
No articles in this stage

Review Status Key

Review Requests

  • Column one shows the round to which the assignment belongs.
  • Column two has the initials of the Peer Reviewer. Clicking on this link will take you to the assignment page.
  • Column three has the current status of the review.
    • Wait - Newly assigned, awaiting a response from the reviewer.
    • No - The reviewer has decided not to review the paper.
    • Yes - The reviewer has agreed to review the paper
    • Complete - The reviewer has completed the review.
  • Column four shows a context specific date for the current status.
    • Wait - Date the review was assigned.
    • No - Date the reviewer declined.
    • Yes - Date the reviewer accepted.
    • Complete - Date the reviewer completed.
  • Column five shows the due date with a link to the manual reminder screen for uncompleted reviews.
  • When a review is complete you can hover over Complete to see the reviewer's recommendation.

Revision Requests

Revision requests only have two columns:
  • Column 1 shows if the request is active or completed.
  • Column 2 shows a contextual date based on the status in column one.
    • If the request is active this will display the due date.
    • If the request is complete it will show the completed date.
{% endblock body %} {% block js %} {% include "elements/datatables.html" with target="#unassigned" %} {% endblock js %}